TUCKER TIME // conscious cooking

I feel conflicted about what I should post since we are in the midst of the coronavirus crisis that is changing life as we know it. The tragic pandemic is evolving every day with people all over the world in lockdown or self isolation. Staying at home is the best way to stop the spread of the virus and it's a simple thing to do. Being isolated allows us to reflect on how we normally live and changes we need to make to adapt to the new normal (for now anyway). Being more mindful as individuals will hopefully make us more aware to prepare for a better future as a society.

I'm generally good with the way I shop and prepare meals, by trying to keep waste minimal and using all my produce. However I'm even more conscious now of letting food spoil, especially since I want there to be plenty of supplies for everyone while also limiting my trips to the supermarket. I've searched online for ways to prepare and freeze various fruits and vegetables that I can use at a later time. I had some white cabbage, kale, carrots and celery left so I made this Japanese vegetable pancake stack (recipe here) served with an Asian inspired coleslaw.

Everybody used to always complain of never having enough spare time and now we do. Although it is a stressful situation for most, especially with the threat to our health and uncertainty around finances. Take care of yourself, appreciate your loved ones and try to enjoy the simple pleasures.