TUCKER TIME // interior inspo

The main reason for dining out is eating good food and enjoying the company of family and friends. Atmosphere can make or break a restaurant, no matter how great the meal is. For me the interiors are also a major part of the experience and a constant source of inspiration and design ideas.

I'm hoping to renovate in the future so I'm already thinking about what I could do with my home. I know the Hamptons style has been overdone but since I'm by the water I feel like I need to pay homage with a little coastal chic. Santorini's whitewashed simplicity, Spanish mission style architecture and French farmhouses or villas all appeal to me. Then there's the rustic elegance and raw materials of the industrial look. My love of the Mid Century Modern era is obvious since I have many beloved pieces of furniture in my collection. Luckily I have plenty of time to work out which way I'm going to go. Decisions, decisions...