TYPE-RIGHTER // all you need is love

Love is universal and it's a recurring theme in art, music and film from every culture. We're told about 'the power of love' with many of us experiencing 'tainted love' and some people think that 'love will tear us apart'. Whether you believe in 'higher love', you're 'addicted to love', you feel 'all out of love' or for you 'love is a battlefield' – there's no denying it's everywhere. I came across these murals in Bondi which are simple but make a big impact on the street. I realised that I've photographed street art in the past based on the word LOVE so it might be a good idea to start a series on this idea. This concept could be my next 'big love' so if you have any suggestions on where I can find some great examples of L-O-V-E artwork let me know.