TYPE-RIGHTER // thoughts are free

I love a full immersive art experience that entices all the senses and Susan Hiller’s large installation Die gedanken sind frei (Thoughts are free) doesn’t disappoint. The centrepiece is a customised Wurlitzer jukebox which plays more than 100 revolutionary anthems that visitors can choose to play from a song book. The songs span from ancient peasant ballads to anti-fascist folksongs right through to contemporary rap.

The continuous soundtrack sets the tone for the exhibition but then it’s the visuals that enhance it even more. All the walls are covered in vinyl lettering of the lyrics in all different languages, so you can walk around and be encapsulated by the concept. Accompanied by well designed books with artful graphics and interesting layouts which you can also browse through. Sitting on the benches and reading through the booklets while listening to the music takes you to another place.